Bistro Michel

Bistro Michel, owned by Michel Morand of the famous erstwhile Johannesburg spot for the well-heeled, Auberge Michel, is back with a restaurant serving home cooked meals prepared with love. The ambiance and food at Michel Bistro is expectedly top notch in keeping with this master chef’s high standards and excellent culinary skills.

The friendly and efficient staff complemented by excellent service is from some of the staff that has followed Michel from Auberge Michel days. We owe a debt of gratitude to his grandmother for instilling in him a passion for good food and consequently producing masterpieces in whatever cuisine he fancies.

The burger may not be traditional French cuisine and is hardly highbrow but what Michel Morand has created is by far the best burger in Johannesburg! The homemade patty’s succulence and the complexity of flavours will wow even the most discerning of patrons. If you don’t like burgers, the Bistro Michel burger is a game changer. The sauces and accompaniments in the burger are superbly combined to give a Michelin standard taste experience producing a crescendo of excitement in your mouth that leaves you wanting more .

Michel Bistro is located on the first floor of the BluBird Shopping Centre, Birnam, Johannesburg . The restaurant is open Monday to Saturday for  Breakfast, lunch and dinner with lunch only opening on  Sunday. To book, call (011) 440 0769 or book online at for a festive treat that takes cooking to dizzying levels of deliciousness.

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