page-39_sisters-keeperI AM MY SISTER’S KEEPER by Pontsho Manzi
As I was walking in the gardens of Margaret Roberts’ Herbal Centre enjoying the smell of lavender and herbs, I realised how sisters of the older generation used to pull out money from a canister or cookie jar to help fellow sisters in need. Ask yourself, are we doing that with our sisters today? I can remember a time, way back, when if a fellow sister didn’t have a beautiful outfit for a special occasion, her sister friends would band together to help her out. Growing up, I knew as child that I couldn’t get away with bad behaviour without being punished by all of the mothers who had banded together to say, “NOT ON MY WATCH! That is what I mean by being your sister’s keeper. It is about looking out for, supporting and loving one another.
A fabulous woman shares the stories of her past to keep order in the present, and provides her sisters with wisdoms she has found. She instils values in the younger generation. Fabulous women stick together through the good and the bad, supporting and uplifting one another. As my mother would say, “we saw after one another!”
A fabulous woman encourages other women as she encourages herself. She inspires and motivates other women and young girls in the name of sisterhood. She is always willing to share her knowledge and help elevate and encourage those around her.
Sisters need each other to survive. We are meant to share our stories!
We are also meant to be helpers and healers so that we can prepare those who don’t know what may lie ahead. We are meant to encourage, inspire and uplift each other.
My question is, ‘where are My Sisters Keepers of 2016?” Are you holding yourself accountable? Are you uplifting, keeping and watching the backs of your sisters, or are you stabbing other sisters in the back every chance you get? In all your actions, the leading question should be whether your actions enhance or destroy the cause of women.
Sister…let’s unite and keep the fire burning!

Pontsho Manzi, @ladypontsho

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