A small, easy lifestyle change towards a ‘greener’ life

The latest water shortages and restrictions lend a charge to this year’s National Water Week, which takes place in March.  Water demand is increasing at a higher rate than population growth, while, as we know, availability is declining due to various factors, including deteriorating water quality and climate change. Most of us are feeling the water stress in our own homes, as well as seeing the dire consequences all around us.

Day to day water-saving is absolutely essential, but there are other simple actions we can take to preserve the environment, while restoring the integrity of the water to which we do have access.  If you’re set on taking one decisive step towards a greener, more ‘conscious’ lifestyle in 2017, that is genuinely better for you, your family, your health and the planet, make it a step that really counts for water, our most valuable resource.

Plastic water bottles are a particular environmental scourge we can all do something about.  Some believe it is justifiable because they question the quality, or don’t like the taste, of tap water.  Others are hooked on the convenience.  However, when you look at the raw facts, there’s really nothing to balance against the high environmental and personal costs of drinking bottled water

Some facts on plastic pollution:

  • 3 litres of water are used to package every one bottle of water.
  • Only 1 out of 5 plastic bottles is recycled, the rest becomes litter.
  • Every second, 1 500 plastic bottles are thrown into the ocean or landfills.
  • The petroleum-based plastic of bottled water can take more than 700 years to breakdown in water or soil. Technically, they can last forever.
  • Most bottled water brands sell you purified tap water; very few are derived from actual natural fresh water sources.
  • 90% of the cost of bottled water is paying for the plastic packaging, not the water.
  • The greatest threat to our marine environment is plastic.

You no longer need to invest in expensive and cumbersome plastic and chemical-based filtering systems – there’s finally another 100% natural alternative in South Africa.  With the recent launch of 100% eco-friendly, reusable and recyclable KURO-Bō Activated Charcoal, you have the option to easily adopt an ancient Japanese way of purifying and enriching drinking water in your homes. What a difference we could make in commemorating National Water Week this March if we all made 2017 the year that we ditched plastic water bottles!

KURO-Bō Activated Charcoal, made according to the classic Binchōtan technique, and verified by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS), effectively adsorbs toxins from tap water while enriching it with beneficial minerals.  Furthermore pH is balanced, bacteria (E.coli) and odours are removed, and flavour is improved so that you taste and feel the difference in every sip.

KURO-Bō is currently available online at Wellness Warehouse, Faithful to Nature or directly from KURO-Bō’s website. One stick retails from R215 (ex VAT and shipping).

For more information on the product and to place an order, please visit the website: www.kuro-bo.com


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