Special Announcement: The 2021 Fabulous Woman Awards Moves to a fully Virtual Event

In light of on-going developments with the rising in COVID-19 infections and after thoughtful discussions with our committee, Fabulous Girls Foundation has decided to move our 2021 Fabulous Woman Awards to a virtual experience that will take place on Saturday, August 7, 2021. The safety of our community is a top priority. 

Among recent developments, gatherings are now prohibited in South Africa, which has contributed to our decision to move the 2021 Fabulous Woman Awards completely virtual. 

We look forward to having you join us for the virtual event, and will be reaching out with complete details and the updated programme shortly.

As we move the 2021 Fabulous Woman Awards completely virtual, we look forward to offering you the same vibrant, inspirational and impactful event.

We hope that you will join us as we celebrate excellent women making a difference in our communities, society and the world at large.

We look forward to welcoming you to The 9th Annual Fabulous Woman Virtual Awards on the 7th August 2021. Please feel free to reach out to us with requests related to the 2021 Fabulous Woman Awards at linda@fabulouswoman.co.za

Follow us on Instagram: @fabwomanawards


Stay safe, stay well. We’ll see you soon.

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