Cantu to the rescue! Cantu to Your Post Freeze Hair

Even though winter is now in the rear view mirror, when it comes to our hair we are definitely not out of the woods yet. Winter is widely regarded as the worst season for hair care, with the natural elements drying and putting stress on our fragile strands, our scarves and bonnets, adding in extra risk of friction, snapping of strands and general ‘wear ‘n tear’ on our hair.

All seasons end and with them, their trying conditions. Yet sometimes the damage done to your hair can follow you, and it is often difficult to shake off winter damage in time for your ‘stunner summer’.

Cantu has the perfect solution for post-winter hair, a trinity of products to get your locks back to their shining, radiant and curly form. Undoubtedly a must have in every home, their Grow Strong Treatment (R139.95), Shea Butter Leave-in Conditioner Repair Cream (R139.95), and Intense Deep Treatment Masque (R59.95) cater for all hair types and textures and are made with unparalleled quality to ensure you only get the best for your hair. So, here are our three top tips and choices on reviving your hair during the change of seasons:

1. Restore Your Strands

Snapped strands: Winters chilly air weakening your hair causing it to become brittle, and increased friction leading to increased breakage.

It is important that one of your first steps to restoring your hair is making sure you give some extra TLC to your strands. Cantu’s Grow Strong Treatment is specifically designed to strengthen fragile hair, minimize breakage, and promote healing and strong hair growth. Natural Shea Butter is the core ingredient to this miracle treatment. Shea Butter is a famous for replacing lost moisture and actively protects your hair from heat damage, meaning that your hair will become shinier, stronger, and healthier with each use.

2. Condition, Condition, Condition!

This cannot be stressed enough. Your hair is needing all the rich, vital moisture and nutrients it can get and what better than by using a leave-in conditioner?

Although rinse out conditioners are a great source of moisture they aren’t formulated to achieve the same level of deep nourishment as a leave-in conditioner, which ultimately boosts your hairs moisture to the next level. Created with damaged, dry and coarse hair in mind, Cantu’s Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner Repair Cream actively works to provide intense and long-lasting moisture. This allows the hair to naturally and non-invasively mend split ends and reduce frizz, ensuring that the health of your hair starts from within and works its way out, producing sustainable results and soft, manageable hair.

 3. Go the Extra Mile

You really want to go above and beyond your usual routine when repairing damaged hair, and if it isn’t already a part of your hair ritual, a deep conditioning masque is going to be your game changer.

These deeply hydrating masks are loaded with vital vitamins, nutrients and active ingredients that are designed to target hair in distress and boost its moisture retention, leaving the hair shiny, supple, and restored. Cantu’s Intense Treatment Masque is the secret weapon you should always have on hand whenever your hair needs a ‘pick me up’. Infused with Shea Butter and formulated to facilitate deep conditioning of your strands, this product is the definition of a miracle worker when it comes to restoring your winter-battered hair.

 It has been a long winter for everyone, but now with Cantu you can happily put that behind you. Walk into summer feeling fabulous with your best hair, because when you’re at your most confident you have the power to achieve anything. So go out and play, party and prepare, have the summer of your dreams. With Cantu by your side, you’ll never feel and look better.

About Cantu:

At Cantu we celebrate you – strong, gorgeous women and your strong, gorgeous hair, because the secret behind every perfect style is nourished and conditioned strands. For over 10 years this is what Cantu continues to be all about. You can trust whether you are rocking a ‘fro, twist-out, protective

style or blow-out – we’re in the background keeping your strands soft and moisturized. Our collection of award-winning products designed for textured hair is all you need to ‘do you!


Social Media: @cantubeautysouthafrica Stockist: Clicks and Dischem

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