Review of I AM SHUDU by Shudufhadzo Musida

I AM SHUDU is about the life of Shudufhadzo Musida, from her mom moving for work, leaving Shudu with her aunt to Shudu moving to Mpumalanga with her mom and even at the age of 15, moving to Randburg. This book talks about Shudu’s tough school life where she was bullied all throughout her time at school which she didn’t tell her mom. The book also touches on friendship as Shudu got through school by befriending 3 girls Yvette in primary school when she first moved to Secunda, Sihle in her early highschool after she and Yvette went to different schools and Lydie for the rest of her high school when she moved to Randburg. The last topic the book talks about is confidence because Shudu goes through so much bullying that her self esteem and self confidence are crushed that she didn’t believe in herself until high school when Lydie encouraged her to enter the school show which helped go after her dreams of singing and then after Miss South Africa.

I loved hearing about Shudu’s life from the beginning, starting with her cousin Thivhadini, moving on to her grandmother who was strict but very sweet and last but not least her great-grandmother Gugu, who loved to tell Shudu stories about her community and always encourage Shudu to study and go after her future which was very inspiring to read. Another part of the book i loved reading was Shudu’s life after moving to Secunda with her mom and then to Randburg thereafter. It was very sad to read about Shudu’s school life in the beginning but everytime she was going through a difficult time in school, there was always a friend there for her which was so beautiful because it showed the power of friendship and support. The last 3 chapters were such a treat to read as they touched on Shudu going after her dreams, overcoming her fears and gaining all the confidence she lost. The book then ends with Shudu singing at the school show then winning Miss South Africa and going on to being apart of very impactful initiatives.

The book is good for all ages, boys and girls because it touches on a few topics that people can really relate to and it can also help the older generation get back in touch with their childhood memories and help the younger generation understand culture which makes this a very fun read. 

Overall i really enjoyed this book and would totally recommend it to anyone of all ages.

Review by Amahle Manzi (14-year old)

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